Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Living In The Age of AI


After watching the video I learned many things. I did not realize how much more AI was other than the basic website on a computer or device. Now there are many more things that use this technology like supermarkets. The start of the disconnection between people actually going to the supermarket and buying groceries themselves was with programs like Instacart. You simply download an app, choose what you need to be purchased, then someone who works for the brand will go to the store for you and get everything. One of the first ways AI was brought into a grocery store was with Amazon Fresh. This is an online and physical store, in person all you do is scan the app to get in and scan your groceries then pay with the amazon app. This makes for a quicker checkout system and makes your trip as long or as short as you want.

    There are both pros and cons about this new way of life. One of the biggest cons is privacy goes away. Using technology all the information being put on there is somewhere stored forever. While things like what you buy from the grocery store are not anything too personal that having that information is too concerning, adding it on top of things that may have previously been stored is not great. Using different technologies that also use Artificial Intelligence are taking away job opportunities for people. Now when you go into a place like a fast food restaurant you have the option to either order at the cashier or on a tablet. According to Forbesmore than 65% of customers said they would visit a restaurant more often if self-service kiosks were offered, and 30% of customers prefer to order from a kiosk versus a cashier if the lines were of equal length. The more people choose to order at a self-service kiosk, the less inclined companies will be to keep those regular cashier positions. The intent of these AI systems is to create a more personal feed curated to the user. This can be seen as a positive aspect because the things you are constantly seeing peak your interest so you see more and may purchase more. 

    Some bigger issues can come with this like identity theft. Identity theft can occur easily by simple things like the password you use for a website. If you do not create a strong password, hackers can easily guess it and get into that account stealing any and all information they want from you. Along with this you should be cautious with what you are posting online always thinking what someone could do with it having all access to the account. It is very important to be cautious with yourself and the things being put online because as AI gets more technical the easier it will become for the system to use any information found to create anything they want. 

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