Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog Post #6

    In my opinion, I think the reason we must do research ourselves on things about antiwar, is because the mainstream media likes to keep the important things hidden. There is a lot of stuff that the news, and big media outlets like to conceal so that we can stay in the dark. If you go on ‘’, there is so much information on things no one has ever heard about. Before I went on this website, I never knew that Egypt and the U.S. were allies. I also had no idea that Egypt uses child soldiers to fight their battles.
Some of the tasks that they are assigned consist of spying, delivering food to military checkpoints, disassembling bombs, logistics, and combat fighting. The Sinai Foundation for Human Rights stated that between the years of 2013 and 2022, kids as young as twelve years old were recruited as soldiers. What would you do if one of your younger family members was forced to be recruited into an ‘army’ at any age under 18? The article says, ‘Under international law, governments are prohibited from recruiting children under the age of 15… recruitment by either a government or armed groups is listed as a war crime’ (MEE staff 2023). To me, this shows me that any country associated with Egypt as allies, either turns a blind eye, or has no idea what is going on.

     Now why would mainstream media not want us to know this? Most likely because we would not want to be associated with a country that makes preteens fight their battles for them. Until I read this article, I had no idea that Egypt was even in any type of combat. The only things I hear about today are the Biden Administrations new policies, Trumps indictment, or natural disasters. Stuff like this needs to be talked about more, because we can’t expect everyone to just go on the internet and look for it themselves.

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