Saturday, October 21, 2023


    One of the terms I found interesting in these presentations was Alternative Media. This was very similar to the term I focused on which was Mainstream Media but there are significant differences. In Mainstream Media the main sources used are television, radio, and newspaper. While Alternative Media uses things like websites and magazines. This is because on alternative media platforms they want the news being put out to be unbiased and give a different perspective. In Mainstream Media does not usually go beyond one perspective because it is owned by the government or corporations. Alternative media is a newer thing that did not become popular until the 20th century. 

    Once more people began to voice their opinions on things like race, religion, and lifestyle the platforms being used to talk about these would be Alternative Media. With the power of social media it has really helped this form gain attention and use. One of the biggest platforms is Twitter which allows everyone to voice their opinion like how Alternative Media is used. Some issues with Alternative Media is that some people may just constantly be creating theories on different topics and not really being informational to the topic. Typically the topics being discussed in Alternative Media are not as popular because when they do get to that level it becomes a story in the Mainstream Media. 

    In order to know whether it is Alternative or Mainstream Media there are a few questions you can ask yourself. 1. Is it Corporate owned? If it is corporate owned then it is Mainstream. 2. Is it intended to make a profit? Mainstream Media typically is profit-oriented so if it is intended to do so it would be considered Mainstream. 3. How is it produced and distributed? Alternative Media is most known for using the internet to put out their news. It is very easy to confuse these forms of media but by doing a little more research into the topic and where it came from you can figure it out.

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