Monday, October 2, 2023

Blog Post #9: Mainstream Media


Mainstream Media is known as the traditional, established broadcasting, or publishing outlets. Some of the biggest examples of this would be Fox News, ABC News, New York Times, etc. Beyond this there are many different forms of media that could be considered mainstream. The most commonly used things nowadays are digital news and television/cable. Some of the
good sides to this is how it helps keep everyone informed on important things. Before the world of TV News Broadcasts it was not as easy to get the word out there. Nowadays the second something happens like a hurricane, it is being broadcast around and everyone is hearing about it. It also helps in spreading news about different businesses or arts. This is the prime way of marketing now for many businesses. Using things such as social media and television ads help businesses get their brand out there. The bad sides to this are how easy it is for people to lie. It is very easy for a person to report on a specific issue but still get things wrong. Not always is everything being published 100% accurate and it is something important too think of when hearing of things. Another problem is some people get too involved in looking at news that they slowly disconnect from the world around them. 

    Society as a whole can be affected very easily. There are equally different parts to the positives and negatives of the mainstream media. Since society is so easily influenced it does not take much from the media to do anything. One major way media, specifically social media, influences people is through trends. Fashion trends are one of the things that is constantly changing and evolving, many users want to keep up with these so advertising clothes to them through different media sources is one way to get the message out there. This does not just focus on news sources though. Mainstream media can also be seen as entertainment through different things like movies and music. Many people learn more things about politics through the media therefore it affects their ideas and mindset when it comes to learning about different topics.

    Different segments will be influenced differently because everyone receives and looks at different media daily. The younger generation may not watch the news all the time and see political stories everywhere but they are seeing what is trendy in fashion. Therefore younger generations will be more influenced by trendy things whereas older generations tend to focus more on stories like government issues. The way the older generation would be influenced is by things like healthcare and vaccines. Economic status can differ based on the simple thing of where the media is coming from. Those of a higher economic status possibly could be receiving news from many different sources to then retain the information and come to a conclusion based on the many sources it came from. A lower economic status may not have all the same sources so they may be receiving information from one source constantly that may not always be true. The way gender is perceived in the media can affect those who are hearing about it. 

    I think my generation can definitely be affected by mainstream media. With the constant use of social media from everyone any news or information being posted there will reach those looking. It has become such a habit for people to check their social media everyday that whatever news is being put out there someone is taking it in and believing it whether it is true or not. This generation is part of the reason for a change in the way media is being put out. Slowly less and less people are watching the news everyday and instead rely on their smartphones. The ability to influence others through an app is not something people used to do back when apps like Instagram first started. For me personally the only form of mainstream media I use when it comes to news is social media apps like Twitter or Instagram. My feed is not constantly showing me news stories but when they are it is usually something that has to do with my interests in pop culture not as much political issues. 

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