Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Top 5 News Sources

There are many different places to get news from me. It is very important to get your information from multiple sources and make sure what you are reading is correct before spreading false information around. Here are my top 5 sources to get my news from.

The first news source I use is Twitter, also known as X. I like using Twitter because it allows me to look at everyones opinion on issues going on. When reading some articles about news you seem to only get the journalists perspective of it whereas on Twitter you can see why some people may agree with the situation or some disagree. Most people posting on twitter do not get paid to post about it so instead of it being a job they are posting about it because they care about the issue. It is very convenient to have this source on my phone because I can check it whenever I want. When some major event occurs it will be displayed on the search page under News and sometimes they will insert news videos playing about the topic. By doing this it gives users live updates on what is going on and helps keep them informed at all times. Sometimes it can be looked at as not the most reliable of news sources. I think depending on the information and sources being used it can be a quick and easy way to get news.

The second news source I use is TikTok. I like using TikTok because the news I find out from there is catered towards me and my interests. This is because of the algorithm based off of videos I have previously liked before. So if I like a lot of videos talking about reality shows like The Bachelor, there is a high chance that when information about the show or contestants come out I will see a video about it. Usually when using the app I am getting a form of entertainment with the occasional news content. This is an app I use everyday so I get to stay pretty up to date with the pop culture news I am interested in. Just like Twitter, it may not always be the most reliable news source but this is where I seem to find more pop culture news rather than series news headlines.

The third news source I use is Instagram. I like Instagram because it is the most visual when it comes to showing news. Usually there is some sort of graphic on the post followed by text in the caption going into more detail. A lot of times people I follow will repost the news on their story and that is how I will see it. Another way of seeing things is through my explore page. This usually shows more news catered towards the accounts I follow or posts that I like. This is not where I find most news from but on the occasion that I do I feel the aspect of it being pictures I see first make it more memorable. I am more likely to remember a picture I saw on my phone the other week rather than something I was told once. Another reason I like Instagram is because of how convenient it is as an app on my phone. Checking social media is part of my everyday routine so seeing news on there as often as I can helps me stay up to date.

The fourth news source I use is my family. Oftentimes my family will actually watch the news or check regular news apps daily. Every time I talk to them I feel like they tell me some sort of new information they heard of. My dad likes to check his New York Times app everyday and if he sees something about one of my interests he will either mention it to me or send me the article to tell me about it. Sometimes I have seen it already from social media but a lot of times it is new information being told to me. Getting news from them is helpful because I can ask questions to them about the topic if I need to, whereas when watching the news it is all up to me to know what is being told. Without them telling me about news stories that have to do with sports or politics I would be very out of the loop and confused about it. 

The fifth news source is the Google app. When using the google app on my iPad there are articles below the search bar about what is trending. Usually when I look at these articles it is catered to me and my past google searches. This way of getting information is easy because it catches my eye every time I go to google something and I end up looking through the headlines to see if there is anything I want to read more about. This is a different way of getting news than my other sources because this gives actual news articles whereas all my other forms were either word of mouth or social media. Most of the time these articles catch my eye because they go into further detail about things I read on social media prior. It helps give me more of an understanding about the things I find interesting. 

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