Sunday, September 10, 2023

Supreme Court


Prior to looking more into the Supreme Court I did not know much at all. I remember learning about specific cases in a class in high school but never more into the actual court itself. Obviously there are very notable cases I have heard about but when it comes to the logistics of it all I did not know anything. One thing I did not know is how open and public the Supreme Court really is. I always assumed it was a very big secretive thing but since it is just people voicing their opinions on these issues it cannot be super secretive. Another thing I did not know was that the cases they look over are sent in my petition. When hearing of cases in the Supreme Court I never really thought about how they actually ended up there. 

    The most important take-away about the Supreme Court for me was just how important they are for our country. Because of the Supreme Court there is a stronger boundary of government power. This also helps avoid controversy in many ways. With the history of everything they have done for the country, things would not be the way they are now. The laws and rulings they set become the foreground of history. Because of all this it makes them a very important part of our government. 

    The most surprising thing I learned was how time consuming the whole process can be. When an opinion draft is sent to all the justices they might not all immediately agree on their stance. In order for them to try and persuade the other justices they will go back and rewrite their appeal. They can go back and re-draft a dozen or more times which can be very time consuming. Since this is at the start of the process it creates a slow process all around. Nothing can move forward until people are agreeing on their opinion. While they do not have to all ultimately agree upon their stance but a compromise does have to be made. There is a time limit on things as they try to release opinions by the end of the term, late June. 

    The videos changed how I thought of the Supreme Court in how influential I view them. Prior I did not really think much of what they do at all. Now knowing the lengths and time put into each and every case they decide to review is very influential to how the nation can change. Without any of their decisions being made some very historical changes would not have happened. For example, Brown v. Board of Education, without this case racial segregation may have gone on for a lot longer. In conclusion, without the Supreme Court our country would not be the same. 

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