Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Motion Picture


 During the mid-19th century photographers began to document the battlefields during the War. They used different techniques and came up with an invention to view pictures in a rapid movement that creates motion. 
Leland Stanford noticed the difference in a horse's stride in every movement and asked Eadweard Muybridge to photograph this. Muybridge showcased his photographs to a group in San Francisco the following year. These photographs were the first ever film. In Paris, Etienne-Jules Marey experimented with 12 pictures per second of a moving object. Both Muybridge and May's work were the founding concepts for the motion picture. In 1890 the first ever camera that captured motion picture was created. It was announced in 1892 that a new invention would be created that can project motion pictures onto a screen. By 1894 people could now publicly watch films at what was called a Kinetograph Parlor, currently known as movie theaters.

    In 1933 The Crooked Circle was the first film to be broadcast on television, on March 10 in Los Angeles. This was the start of a new movement because it was the first film to actually be shown on television. Many people were now able to tell stories for an audience to connect to. Watching films allows people to travel the world and feel the emotions that are being showcased throughout. Many audiences like to connect to stories and there are so many different films and shows in the current day that a viewer can easily relate to. A lot of people viewed themself differently after seeing different films. They could become easily influenced and make changes in their life for the better. It also opened peoples eyes to the world around them they have not seen. In the classroom the motion picture was a big thing. Now the history of the past and current issues in the present could be showcased to students and help them really learn how it all went down. It is also very important now because it is considered to be one of the most popular forms of art and it is one the biggest sources for news. There are specific channels made to spread news and without them many people would not be as up to date with everything. 

    There are not always just positive effects with this but there are also negative effects with some motion pictures and the process behind them. One of the issues with this is

inappropriate things being shown to children like sex, drugs, violence, and bad language. With the world of technology it is harder for parents to monitor what it is being shown to their children. Connecting this back to modern day motion pictures are currently on hold because of the SAG-AFTRA strike, a strike where both actors and writers are on strike in order to get paid more for the work they are doing. It is an issue that all these people do so much to make a motion picture what it is but they do not get the credit they deserve.

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